YFM’s DJ Mic Smith leaves BBnZ Live record label?

                                                                     Dj Mic Smith

Information reaching Zionfelix.com is that YFM DJ, Michael Owusu popularly known as DJ Mic Smith is no more with BBnZ Live but information on the record label’s website says otherwise.

The shutdown king who is the official DJ for reigning artiste of the year, E.L we are told has also quit his job as the disc jokey for the rapper. Zionfelix.com is reliably informed that the DJ left the advertising and management firm latter part of 2016 in order to focus on his career.

He parted ways with BBnZ Live on mutual grounds, the source added. Checks have revealed that Mic Smith since January 2016 has not been working with E.L at any event including the recent Tigo Ghana meets Naija concert organised by Empire Entertainment, which happened on May 21 at the Accra International Conference Center.

DJ Mic Smith has for the past months has also been promoting “Shut Down Empire”, his newly established record label. Under the “Shut Down Empire”, he has released Afro Urban Mix songs like “Work” originally recorded by Rihana, Justin Bieber’s “Sorry”, Desiigner’s “Panda” and others, which feature Ghanaian musicians.

A visit to BBnZ Live’s official website at the time of publication says DJ Mic Smith is still with the record label with other entertainers like Juls, Lil Shaker, E.L, Sika Osei, Ko-jo Cue, Bedi and E.L. His Wikipedia profile also states that “Mic Smith is also the official DJ for EL signed to the highly successful Ghanaian record label BbnZ live.” but gave “Shut Down Empire” as his record label not BBnZ Live.

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YFM’s DJ Mic Smith leaves BBnZ Live record label? YFM’s DJ Mic Smith leaves BBnZ Live record label? Reviewed by Unknown on 1:39 PM Rating: 5

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