We catch up with Jesse Clegg over a cup of coffee

Cape Town – South Africa has some of the most talented singers and songwriters in the world. And Jesse Clegg is a brilliant example of that. With his smoldering looks, introspective lyrics and impressive musical heritage he has taken Mzansi by storm with singles like Today and Use Me.
We recently got the chance to buy the Law graduate (that’s right he quit the corporate life to follow his passion) a coffee and asked him everything from what he had for breakfast to what the best piece of advice he had ever gotten is.
Here is Channel24’s interview with Jesse Clegg; which took place on his father - Johnny Clegg’s - birthday, just one day after Jesse finished shooting his new music video for his single called Breathing with Shekhinah.
What was the first thing you did this morning?
Got dressed and had a big omelet.
What was the last thing that you ate?
That omelet.
Who was the last person you called?
My dad, it’s his birthday.
What’s the thing that you’re most excited about right now? 
My new music video, we just finished filming it.
What are you most bored with in your life right now? 
I’ve been doing a lot of travelling. And you get to a point where you just want to be at home. The constant moving isn’t boring but it does make you fatigued, every single day, moving all the time. Yesterday I had about 5 interviews and we were moving from radio station to radio station. The last two weeks I’ve probably been in a different city every day.

What was the last movie you saw? 
Batman Vs Superman. I saw it when I was in Colorado. I’ve actually just come back from the States, we were there for two months, doing shows.
Did you like it (referring to the movie which has received mixed reviews)? 
I actually did. The guy I was playing with in America, his name is Gavin Shea; he is a comic book fanatic. We saw it the day it came out, the whole theatre was packed. He (Gavin) was beside himself. I’m not really a comic book movie kind of person but he was so excited that it made it enjoyable.
What kind of movies do you like? 
I like going to cinema nouveau (a cinema chain which screens art-house films in SA) a lot. I go to movies by myself sometimes and it’s quite inspiring; sometimes I go to the movies by myself then go home and write; it’s quite a process.

What was the last Instrument you played? 
I played guitar all day yesterday for my radio performances.
What’s the best advice you’ve ever received? 
My dad always said: Do it for the right reasons. If you are passionate about something you can just keep going. You never feel like it is work and you can deal with the hard times because you love what you do. Music… any art is an unpredictable career. There are always ups and downs. You are kind of in the rollercoaster and you don’t know where it’s going to land. If you don’t love it, it makes it so much harder. You can’t be doing it for money or fame or whatever else.
Jesse is currently on a winter tour in Cape Town, catch him at the following venues:

Wednesday 6 July
Crown Bar, Paarl
Tickets: R100
Bookings: 0836581622

Thursday 7 and Friday 8 July
Café Roux, Noordhoek
Tickets: R140
Book your ticket here.
Saturday 9 July
The Rockwell Theatre, Green Point
Tickets: R130
Book your ticket here.https://igcdn-photos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xal1/t51.2885-15/e35/13398909_601727703320576_1109011704_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTI2NzIyNjIzNDU0NTYxMzI0Ng%3D%3D.2

What was the last Instrument you played? 
I played guitar all day yesterday for my radio performances.
What’s the best advice you’ve ever received? 
My dad always said: Do it for the right reasons. If you are passionate about something you can just keep going. You never feel like it is work and you can deal with the hard times because you love what you do. Music… any art is an unpredictable career. There are always ups and downs. You are kind of in the rollercoaster and you don’t know where it’s going to land. If you don’t love it, it makes it so much harder. You can’t be doing it for money or fame or whatever else.

Jesse is currently on a winter tour in Cape Town, catch him at the following venues:

Wednesday 6 July
Crown Bar, Paarl
Tickets: R100
Bookings: 0836581622

Thursday 7 and Friday 8 July
Café Roux, Noordhoek
Tickets: R140Saturday 9 July
The Rockwell Theatre, Green Point
Tickets: R130

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We catch up with Jesse Clegg over a cup of coffee We catch up with Jesse Clegg over a cup of coffee Reviewed by Unknown on 2:19 AM Rating: 5

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